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iRubric: VCD 02 | Project 1 – Letterforms rubric

iRubric: VCD 02 | Project 1 – Letterforms rubric

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VCD 02 | Project 1 – Letterforms 
What is a rubric? A rubric explains the criteria I use in assigning grades and serves as a guide to help you as you complete your projects. What constitutes “A” work? I have not specified what constitutes an “A” to help you focus on doing the best work that you can with out being preoccupied by whether or not you’ve done just enough to get the right letter grade. Design is a creative endeavor. Consequently, doing well depends on more than just fulfilling the bare minimum assignment requirements.
Rubric Code: TXB23XA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Project 1: Letterforms
The points listed in the left hand column are how many points each section is worth.

Each column determines how much credit is achieved for each individual section. For example if the student achieves a Very Good in the Content section they have achieved 89% of the available 2 points (1.78 / 2 points).
  Exceptional | A+ range

100 pts

Very Good | B+ range

89 pts

Acceptable | C range

76 pts

Unacceptable | F range

59 pts

2 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Demonstrates clear understanding of assignment

Follows instructions as specified on assignment sheet
Acceptable | C range

Demonstrates basic understanding of assignment

Generally follows instructions
Unacceptable | F range

Demonstrates vague understanding of assignment

Fails to follow instructions
Part I: Sketches
4 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Demonstrates ability to get ideas down on paper, however loosely communicated.

Demonstrates ability to develop a variety of successful, visually strong letter/number combinations.

Completes 50
required sketches.
Acceptable | C range

Demonstrates ability to get ideas down on paper, however loosely communicated.

Demonstrates ability to develop a variety of letter/number combinations.

Completes 50
required sketches.
Unacceptable | F range

Demonstrates inability to get ideas down on paper, however loosely communicated.

Demonstrates inability to develop a range of letter/number combinations.

Completes fewer than
50 sketches.
Part II: Series of Three Designs
4 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Utilizes shapes of letters and numbers to achieve varied compositions that show strong balance between positive and negative forms.

Individual numbers/letters are easily identifiable within each composition.

Develops designs clearly reflecting characteristics of successful symbols (easy identification, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)
Acceptable | C range

Utilizes shapes of letters and numbers to achieve a range of compositions; positive and negative forms are somewhat balanced.

Numbers/ letters are not consistently identifiable within each composition.

Designs reflect 2–3 characteristics of successful symbols (positive association, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)
Unacceptable | F range

Utilizes shapes of letters and numbers to achieve design solutions; compositions consistently lack balance between positive and negative forms.

Numbers/letters are unidentifiable within each composition.

Designs lack characteristics of successful symbols (easy identification, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)
Part III: Final Digital Composition
4 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Utilizes shapes of one letter and one number to achieve visually successful design solution; design reflects strong balance between positive and negative forms, and individual number/letter are easily identifiable

Develops composition clearly reflecting characteristics of successful symbols (easy identification, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)

Initial sketches/ideas evident in final digital composition
Acceptable | C range

Utilizes shapes of one letter and one number to achieve a resolved design solution; positive and negative forms are somewhat balanced; number/letter are relatively identifiable

Develops composition reflecting 2–3 characteristics of successful symbols (easy identification, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)

Initial sketches/ideas evident in final digital composition
Unacceptable | F range

Utilizes one letter and one number to achieve design solution; positive and negative forms lack balance; number/letter are difficult to distinguish

Develops composition lacking characteristics of successful symbols (easy identification, close gestalt, flow, reduction, etc.)

Final design disconnected from initial sketches/ideas
3 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Meticulously and accurately renders letterforms by hand; nuances of individual forms clearly communicated

Securely mounts images to boards

Evenly and cleanly trims boards and veils; boards are correct dimensions

Presents boards/tracing paper veils that are free of sticky glue spots, eraser marks, etc.
Acceptable | C range

Renders letterforms by hand; nuances of some forms lost in rendering

Mounts images to boards; edges of images aren’t securely glued down

Trims boards to correct dimensions

Presents boards/tracing paper veils with a few sticky glue spots, eraser marks, etc.
Unacceptable | F range

Renders letterforms by hand; nuances of letterforms lost in rendering

Loosely mounts images to boards; images easily peel of off boards

Trims boards to incorrect dimensions

Presents boards/tracing paper veils with numerous sticky glue spots, eraser marks, etc.
3 pts

Exceptional | A+ range
Very Good | B+ range

Meets assignment deadlines

Demonstrates solid evidence of design process and development

Turns final deliverables
in on time
Acceptable | C range

Generally meets assignment deadlines, does not always come to class prepared

Demonstrates loose evidence of design process and development

Turns final deliverables
in on time
Unacceptable | F range

Does not meet
assignment deadlines

Demonstrates little to no evidence of design process and development

Turns final deliverables in after class has started on day assignment is due


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